All of our partners participated in the Second Transnational Project Meeting held on 19-20 August 2021 in Malta of our project titled “Training of Parents in the Fight Against Cyberbullying” numbered 2020- 1-UK01-KA204-078843.

Our meeting agenda;

-Opening and welcome

-Introduction to the project and TPM2

-Calendar of activities

-Deadlines and deliverables for each A/IO

-Organizational chart: role of each partner within the project

-Contractual and financial aspects (eligible costs, report system,deadlines etc.)

-Presentation of Intellectual Outputs

*IO1 – Common Curriculum

*IO3 – e-Learning Portal

2.Day -Work Packages

-Dissemination & Impact strategy

-Teaching/Training/Learning Activity

-Next Steps and resolving any outstanding issue

-End of meeting

With the meeting, the general lines of our project were discussed and the road map was determined.