
The first Multiplier Event of CB4PARENTS Project in Santander.

The first Multiplier Event of CB4PARENTS project took place in Santander, Spain on the date of 08.09.2022 by Cantabria University. The dissemination of this Multiplier Event took place through email to students, teachers and also to associations and other organizations that work on cyberbullying and also on the University’s social networks. A poster was prepared for its dissemination and also a Google Form for registration. 


Thirty-three people have attended the Multiplier Event, with ages between 19 and 64 and different profile occupations. It was attended by students and young non-students, professionals from different fields, families, although mostly, the participants were students or professionals from the educational field.


Firstly, the project was presented with its objectives, characteristics and results. General aspects of bullying are exposed, followed by its social and legal consequences, to later work on the prevention of both family and educational contexts. In the event, Common curriculum, Digital Training Materials and e-Learning portal presented by the speakers. The content was ordered, from the most general to the most specific. In addition, different perspectives, such as legal, family, educational, and security were included. Furthermore, the context of cyberbullying, such as, general aspects, cyberbullying personal, legal, and social consequences, cyberbullying and family experiences topics have also been discussed among the participants. 


The activities had a modular structure, with 30-45 minute slots for each of the topics which highlighted the interest of the topic, its relevance, and the urgency of working on it in social and academic events. In addition to the presentations and debates, some interactive dynamics were developed by the families, which significantly enriched the activity. Several debates about the content were developed. The debates shared some common issues, basically, working on: Prevention, through personal skills training initiatives. Education, to clearly identify aspects related to cyberbullying. Last, the need for coordination and networking. Finally, the activity ends with a brief presentation on the conclusions obtained and an evaluation of the activity, as well as with thanks to all the participants.


Feedback on Intellectual Outputs

Regarding the Common Curriculum, the participants have highlighted the detailed approach to different types of cyberbullying, and some signs of how it can start, as well as the preventive aspects, linked to the improvement of communication and emotional skills in the family and school environment. Related to Digital Training Materials, the idea of creating videos has been understood as a high value, because it quickly reaches the entire population at any time. They also highlight the possibility of assessing knowledge at the moment and getting results. However, they suggest the utility of generating more videos in the future to diversify the content. With respect to the E-learning portal, they have highlighted the design of a website that includes materials for individual and family or school use in different languages. 

Evaluation of the multiplier event


The feedback of the Multiplier Event was evaluated both through quantitative and qualitative questions among 33 evaluations. The feedback of all questions were rated with full marks. Most of the participants highlighted the need to continue with this type of events and also proposed the possibility of developing them with more brevity and in different schedules to reach more public. Finally, the importance of continuing to seek ways to increase the involvement of Education students in these events was highlighted.